Beyond the Sentence.

Thornbury, Scott

Beyond the Sentence. Introducing discourse analysis - 1a. edición. - s/l: Macmillan, 2005. - 192 paginas. : 25 cm.

Contiene Index.

Part 1. Beyond the sentence.
1. Unlocking text.
2. What makes a text?
3. What make a text make sense?
4. Spoken texts.
5. Texts in context.
6. Classroom texts.
7. Literary texts and loaded texts.
8. Learner texts.
Part 2. Classroom activities.
Photocopiable task sheets.
Reading list and references.

This introduction to discourse analysis examines the features and functions of different types of texts and shows how to incorporate them into languaje teaching. Scott Thornbury explains what makes spoken or written text coherent and the ways that sentences are combined to make newspaper articles, conversations, speeches, novels and advertisements.



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